Changing stories about Z's stay in hospital
Zander texted me at
6pm last night to say that they had just told him he could now go
home. This was rather confusing for us all, in that we were told on
Wednesday that he was staying in for three weeks. So what's going on?
I spoke on the phone with his consultant geriatrician, Conor Maguire,
and it seems that there has been a bit of a miscommunication/
Wednesday's story
I asked his
oncologist, Dr Sorcia Campbell, how long should he stay in hospital?
She said at least until at least his weight had stabilised and his
general energy levels had improved. He should focus on getting more
active etc and eating well, physiotherapists, dieticians,
occupational therapists etc.
When I asked her
what her plan was, she said "to keep Z in hospital for about
another 3 weeks, then to spend a week at home, then to come back for
another review appointment (4 week from now i.e. Wednesday 25th
Friday's story
The misunderstanding
Dr Maguire seemed a bit frustrated that Dr Campbell had said that Z would be in hospital for another three weeks, since that is not her department or her decision, and she had apparently not been told that this was going to happen.
hindsight, he agreed that it would have been better if he had had a
conversation with Dr Campbell before our oncology consultation, or if Dr
Campbell had said "I am really not sure how long he will stay in for -
that's up to Dr Maguire's team to decide". She was right to say this: he
would stay in "until his weight has stabilised", and indeed, his weight
has stabalised (see below).
The only misunderstanding was over how long his stay would be.
I think it's better that he's going home, in any case.
Zander's weight
We all know that losing weight can be very significant with illnesses like cancer so it has been a big worry to hear reports like "Z has lost 6kg in the past couple of months" which is what someone at the hospital told Nadia. It seems that the truth is somewhat different and not so worrying.
Last July, Z weighed 66kg
He then lost weight before the treatment started, and during/after the treatment
In November, he weighed 63.9kg
When he was admitted to hospital last week, he weighed 60.2kg
This is a loss of 3.7kg, which is very different to "more than 5kg"
He was weighed today at 60.3kg, which means he has stabalised, or even gained a little.
His (and Nadia's) aim is to put some weight on before the next oncologist appointment in 4 weeks.How do doctors weigh patients compared to vets?
It's easy for vets: their patients don't wear clothesZ is weighed every time he visits the hospital, by standing on electronic scales, but he is always fully dressed and surely this must have some effect. Is he wearing a jacket? Carrying keys and a phone? Does he have a stuffed wallet in his breast pocket? All of these will have an effect and I think it means that we cannot trust reported weights as "absolute". But still, the general idea is correct and he does need to try hard to eat/drink plenty so that he puts on two or three kilos.
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